Hope, Love, and Miracles…

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I think there are two types of people when it comes to using the word miracle. Those who are afraid to hope for
them, and those who embrace them. For years, I was in the former group. Call it ‘healthy cynicism’ or ‘fear’, but some of my life experiences hindered me from allowing myself to believe they are still possible.

I was wrong to think this way.

10923621_10205065074738132_8713253885321398201_nThe last few weeks I’ve experienced the miracle of renewed life, hope, and love. I won’t get into a lot of detail but trust me, miracles do happen…every day they do. Ask the medical personnel at Clarion West ICU about my Son-in-law, Erik. Frankly, he shouldn’t be alive – but by God’s grace, he is.

Ask his wife, my beautiful Maci, about the miracle of hope. She’ll give you a passionate testimony about how despite the awful aspects of the human experience, there is still room for the miracle of hope.

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Ask my Grandmother and her Sister, Janet. They’ve lived long lives – lost their husbands, siblings, and most of their peers.  They deal daily with medical issues as their bodies begin to fail them, but they love life. They love their families, and the miracle of love is present in them with every visit.


12705736_10208917787649866_1038356646465341878_nAnd today, you can ask my dear nephew Matthew and his new wife Rachel about the miracle of Love – the greatest of these. Every day you can experience miracles, so don’t be afraid to look for them. Trust me, you won’t reduce the potency of the word, but you will live a life more meaningful and passionate. Seek these daily miracles because that’s the way God intended us to live. Perhaps these daily occurences are small glimpses into what we are destined to experience in heaven someday, when we all get together.

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