Jason Schoeff, Key Member of the Dream Builders

BGW Construction - Jason Schoeff

01a2c92c962410cfc33e6f697804b5ba4dad809835Dream Builder Highlight

A couple of times this week I’ve spoken to former students and colleagues who still hadn’t heard about one of BGW’s strongest assets.  This led me to dedicate an entire post about a key component to BGW’s recent success.

Late last fall, I was able to convince Jason Schoeff to leave education and join me in the construction field. At the time, I knew that I was getting a highly qualified and hard working man that would bring a unique skill-set to the table. Frankly, most of his skills happen to compliment my many shortcomings. Little did I know just how valuable he would prove to be in such a short amount of time.

I will always feel a sense of appreciation for Jason’s faith in BGW.  What goes through the mind of a man with 4 children as he makes the decision to leave a profession that has provided for his family for the better part of two decades. The courage to believe in my vision, and eagerly jump on board says a lot about his confidence and belief in his own ability to guarantee our success.

Together, we have been able to take BGW from a humble, yet award winning outdoor space contractor to one of central Indiana’s premier home renovation providers. Jason’s passion for history (no doubt born from his years in the classroom teaching social studies) is contagious, and inspires our barn reclamation and historical home customers to trust that BGW is the right company to enhance their small piece of Hoosier history.

And so it is with great pride and thankfulness that I highlight Mr. Jason Schoeff…BGW General Manager (and organizational life coach to me). When you see Jason in our community, feel free to congratulate him on being the father, husband, and business asset that he is.

Bobby Williams
BGW Construction, LLC

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