Four Tips for an Easier Kitchen Remodel


Kitchen Remodel Services

Kitchen remodels are some of the trickiest construction projects you can have done in your home. There are a lot of moving parts, and because everyone uses their kitchen slightly differently, the standard layouts often need to be modified. Walls are rarely perfectly plumb, which means cabinets need to be tweaked and adjusted if they’re not entirely custom. With all of these things to keep in mind, it’s important that you check with a contractor before you start work on your kitchen remodel.

Here are some things to consider:

First, think about your available space. Are you planning to knock out any walls to add more square footage? If so, you’ll want to know whether there are any pipes in those walls and whether those walls are load-bearing. A good contractor can help you pull your home’s plans from the city and confirm those questions.

Second, you’re going to want to think good and hard about the layout of your kitchen. When you are remodeling your kitchen, you can place things exactly how you would want them for your preferred style of use. That means that you can put the stove, fridge, sink, dishwasher, and all the cupboards exactly where you would want them, at the exact height that you would want them. If, though, that means you’re going to be moving some of those appliances from their original location, that also means you’re going to need to reroute some pipes, either gas, water, or both.

You’ll also want to think about the electrical options in your kitchen, and whether those are sufficient to support the appliances you plan to install. If your contractor needs extra help with these issues, they may pull in a specially trained plumber or electrical engineer. If that’s the case, make sure you know whether you are paying the contractor and the contractor will pay the specialist, or whether you are responsible for paying the specialist directly.

Third, you should consider whether you want to do stock, semi-custom, or entirely custom cabinetry. The more customized your cabinets are, the more expensive they’re going to be, but if you find that stock cabinets are not a good fit for you, for example, if you are very tall and the average kitchen counter is too low for you, then it’s worth investing in semi-custom or custom options. Be forewarned, though, that this might affect the resale value of your home, because those taller kitchen counters will be too tall for the average buyer, and whoever ends up buying your home might discount the value because of that.

Finally, you need to have a plan in place for what you’re going to do while you can’t access your kitchen. A full kitchen remodel can take a few weeks to a few months, depending on how drastic the work is, and so you might be without a stove, sink, dishwasher, and or fridge for an extended period of time. Think about how you’re going to cook your meals and wash up afterward. Do you have access to other sinks? Will you use paper plates and microwave a lot of burritos? Do you plan to just eat out for most of your meals?

Whatever your plan is, make sure that everybody in your house is on board so that there is no frustration or miscommunication once construction begins. Once your kitchen is demolished, it’s too late.

Choose The Best Kitchen Remodel

These are all important things to consider before you start a kitchen remodel. Kitchen remodels are intricate, complex, and loads of fun for an experienced contractor, which is why we love doing them.

If you’re interested in doing a kitchen remodel of your own, you can give us a call at any time, and we will be glad to talk through your options with you.

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